murl: URL manipulation in Python, made simple ============================================= murl is a tiny wrapper for the Python module urlparse_. :Source: :Issues: :PyPI: :Build status: .. image:: :alt: Travis CI :target: Getting Started --------------- Install with **pip**: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install pyresto or clone the latest version from GitHub_. Usage ----- Creating a :class:`Url` object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: >>> from murl import Url >>> url = Url('') >>> url Mutating the :class:`Url` object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: >>> url.scheme 'https' >>> url.scheme = 'http' >>> url.scheme 'http' List all attributes of a :class:`Url` object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: >>> dir(url) [u'fragment', u'host', u'netloc', u'path', u'qs', u'querystring', u'scheme', u'url'] Objects ------- .. class:: Url(url[, **parts]) The *url* parameter should be a :class:`str` object. The *parts* dictionary should be one of them: ``scheme``, ``netloc``, ``path``, ``params``, ``query``, ``fragment``. :: >>> url = murl.Url('', path='about') >>> url .. attribute:: url .. attribute:: scheme .. attribute:: host .. attribute:: path .. attribute:: querystring .. attribute:: qs Return a :class:`dict` of the current :attr:`querystring` attribute. For example:: >>> url = Url('') >>> url.qs {'a': ['0'], 's': ['1'], 'b': ['berker']} .. attribute:: fragment .. method:: __repr__ .. versionadded:: 0.4 Hacking ------- .. highlight:: bash To setup a local development environment for hacking: 1. Clone the repo:: $ git clone git:// $ cd murl 2. Create and activate a new virtual environment:: $ virtualenv $ source /bin/activate 3. Install required dependencies:: $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt 4. To run the tests, do:: $ nosetests -v License ------- All files that are part of this project are covered by the following license, except where explicitly noted. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at .. _urlparse: .. _GitHub: